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A global citizen is a selfless person with an abundance of kindness who engages in creating solutions for both domestic and nondomestic situations in order to make the world a better place.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Unseen Negative Effects

               Pornography is a terrible thing that is sold and advertised in many ways. It has become an evasive material in today’s society. Not only have adults become engulfed by its lies but also teens and children. There are so many things that are repulsive about porn that it has no defense for its existence.
                Finding pornography on the internet is as easy as Googling the word “sex” which other 40 million Americans could admit to have doing so each year.  Many different types of people access porn each but it tends that the men are more open to admitting it. Each year about 40 percent of teens and preteen visit sexually explicit sites either deliberately or accidentally. In a study in the February Pediatrics (Vol. 119, No.2, Pages 247-257), a psychologist Kimberly Mitchell, found that 42 percent of a nationally representative sample of 1,500 internet users ages 10 to 17 had been exposed to online porn in the last year, and two-thirds were reporting only unwanted exposure. It is clear that the internet is holding to much unprotected porn for all ages to view. Over 75 percent of the internet database is dedicated to online porn. This is a repulsing idea that people don’t even see. 
                Next many people don’t fully understand the effects of porn on the viewer. Porn is known to desensitize its viewer. This means most people start out looking at soft porn and gradually work there way to hard porn which can be anything from rape to animal porn. Next thing porn does is it dehumanizes women. When a man looks at porn the learn that women are only there for there sexual qualities and features. This is 100 percent wrong!!! Also after looking at porn it leaves you feeling down and dirty and this can often led to seclusion.
                Now that you know the effects of porn and how easy it is to find it, make a choice to stand against it. Parents need to learn how to block it on the computer. Most parents today don’t even know anything about a computer. Parents need to be more open with their children and help them better understand the opposite sex. This is better than them looking up lies about what sex is not. Parents should let their kids know that sex is not just a physical activity. It’s a way to bond with a lifelong partner. We as a people lastly need to look to the government to clean the internet surfing.
                Looking back you see that sex is a easy word to gain access to an unlimited source of online porn. Then you see the bad effects like seclusion and dehumanizing women. Now look and see how little effort you would have to give to make a huge difference. Then ask yourself am I doing what I can to help this problem.
Work cited
DeAngelis, Tori. “Web pornography’s effect on children” (Monitor Staff) 10 Nov. 2007. 9 Feb 2011. Wolf, Naomi. “The Porn Myth”( in the end) 9 Feb. 2011

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